PREPD.IN ACCOUNTS is the most important site for debaters as when you compete in parliamentary debate you are not allowed to use wifi. is an offline news database that will help you access the latest news, so you can be prepared for the debate
When signing up make sure you use your school account, so you can link it back to LL.

NSDA accounts are crucial for you success as the site offers many tools that become advantageous in the season. The site has so many resources for a speech writer that will help propel you to success. You may also find different opportunities on the site such as becoming a US debate finalist or an intern for the NSDA magazine.
When signing up make sure you use your school account, so you can link it back to LL.

Tabroom is a crucial site during tournaments as you can see what room you are assigned to for each round. Tabroom will also tell you your results after the tournament and online ballots will be uploaded there as well. Tabroom is also useful as you can see how many points you have accumulated through your tournaments and you can also check to make sure that you are not missing any points.
When signing up make sure you use your school account, so you can link it back to LL.