"Speech and debate gives us the tools to empower ourselves and navigate the world around us"
Being a part of the Las Lomas Speech and Debate team was a life changing experience. The way we worked together as a team was empowering. We encouraged each other to get out of our comfort zones, while staying true to ourselves. The team pushed me to improve and helped me become more confident. In addition, I acquired new knowledge from being part of the team. I learned about topics that I knew nothing about before, which helped me understand contemporary and past issues. Speech and Debate gave me public speaking experience that will serve me well in my future.
Emi Cayer
Class of 2022
Honor Society
The National Speech and Debate Association will give you points when you attend tournaments, and even more when you win. These points will accumlate over the next four years and will put you in an honor society that less than 26 % of high school students are part of.
Political Experience
As a high school student getting work experience is tough, getting political experience is even tougher. Debate tournaments help you not only gain speech skills, but also be able to learn about the government and recent news.
Research Experience
At Las Lomas we do Parliamentary Debate, which is a 2 v 2 debate. Parliamentary Debate is different to any other type as we are given the topic of our debate at the start of our 20 minute prep time. On top of that we are not allowed to use wifi so we have to resort to offline sources that are much harder to navigate. Those 20 minutes will help you build a base towards effective research skills.
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3 cups
3 cups
Research Experience
Marketing Experience
Political Experience
Exclusive Honor
1½ cups
Marketing Experience
At Las Lomas we do all Speech events even though they vary in style they all have one thing in common- marketing experience. There are hundreds upon thousands of amazing speeches, yet the one that wins is the one that persuades the listener.